by Walter Dean Myers

A Christmas story by Walter Dean Myers shows the simplicity of celebrating Christmas with love. This story is easy to understand because of the words used by the author. It does not choose a specific age because the story is suited for all ages and everyone can relate to it. A short story that shows the true spirit of Christmas.
Its main focus is about the old lady living in 145th street who is known in the neighborhood. Her name is Mother Fletcher and she's too old. At the age of ninety, she was able to live with a wise mind. Then, there was a patrol officer named William Michael O'Brien. He helped the old woman by calling an ambulance to bring her to the hospital because she was sick. I love the story as the officer and old woman got closer because of the knitted green cardigan. The patrolman wants to discover the real age of Mother Fletcher, and he wants to guess it through writing the words that the old woman said every time they have a conversation. As time passes by, the wife of the patrolman wants to meet the old woman and wants to celebrate Christmas at the old woman's house. At first, Mr. O'Brien doesn't want to celebrate at Mother Fletcher's house because he does not trust her, but his wife insisted and they went there together with their daughter who is too excited that she even brought a Christmas gift for the old woman.
A Christmas Story reveals something about human nature. The story taught us that sometimes it is lonely to become an old person. There are possibilities that as we grow older, people will come and go that would leave us being alone sometimes. Like Mother Fletcher, who expected that she will be celebrating Christmas alone in her house again. However, the patrolman's family came and made the old woman happy. The whole plot was connected to reality and shows the importance of giving time to the older ones. Creating good memories with the family in the season of Christmas.