The most dangerous experience I had encountered was the time I was confirmed that I have dengue fever. We thought that it’s just a normal fever, but whenever I feel fine the next day the fever comes back. After several days my sickness gets severe and I can feel that my body is so painful to move like when I cough my stomach aches. Then, in that ugliest nightmare, it gave me the idea of giving up because I can’t take the pain anymore. My mother lets me drink medicines, but after taking them, I can’t stop myself to vomit the medicines. I even have bad nightmares every time I sleep, which is giving me signs of death. I always cry and pray to God that I want to live more years in this world. I reminded myself that I need to fight this disease for me to live my dreams.
Unfortunately, as time passed by I vomited blood when I brushed my teeth and that was the time I decided to go to the hospital. They sent me to ICU because the nurses were worried about my condition. I feel dizzy at that time and I can’t move my body because it’s too weak. The doctor told us that my platelet is too low. I can still remember it was 20 platelets and that could lead me to death. However, my blood type is rare and difficult to find for platelets. I needed three bags of blood to survive. The doctor told us not to panic because they will find a way to get through this. At that moment I always pray to God to give me more strength and courage to live. My mom cried because I look too thin and pale. At night we were so glad because the doctor found blood that matches my blood type. The nurses quickly transferred the blood to me and I was so thankful that day because God heard my prayers and I can live more years and explore this world.
Eventually, my body was going back to normal and it does not hurt anymore whenever I move or cough. I thought at this moment everything will be okay, but there’s another dangerous challenge I have faced that day. A nurse was assigned to me to replace the dextrose on my hand and transfer it to my right hand. I was really nervous because of the sharp needle and my hand was shaking. The nurse also was sweating at that time and cannot concentrate on his task. His hand was also shaking and can’t put the injection properly on my hand. He has difficulty in finding my vein. He put through the needle and I shouted because it was so painful when he thrust the needle in my hand. He realized that it did not hit the vein. He did it again three times and I shouted in the room like I was about to be killed because it was so harsh and he pushed the needle deeper into my hand and it was bleeding. My mother got angry and called the other nurses to transfer me to ICU. Before the other nurses arrived, he even injected something on my left arm and I can feel that it did not hit the right vein and my muscles were tensed and I felt the pain again which made me shriek. I was like a pig shouting the whole time experimented by that freaking nurse. After they settled my dextrose they transferred me back to my room.
It took 2 months for me to heal from dengue fever. I will never forget that dangerous experience because it let me realize that life is precious and we need to appreciate every single day that comes into our life. I learned to prioritize myself and eat healthy foods. This is one of the greatest lessons that will always linger in my memory.