The Spanish occupied the Philippines in the early 15th century. The first Filipino alphabet is Alibata. When Spanish colonized Philippines they changed alibatas into Roman alphabet. Spanish banned the use of Alibata because they believe that it is a work of evil. So Spanish fully introduced the Spanish literary language using many Spanish terms. During Spanish colonization, Fipinos felt they are being harassed by the Spaniards. Then the Birth of the Propaganda movement and La Solidaridad. Then Filipino fought and introduced Tagalog to be the language of revolution of the nationalist movement.

Literature under Spanish Colonial Period
Oral Literature
Songs are composition for voice or voices, performed by singing.
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance, performed by actors on a stage before the audience.
Religious Drama as setting forth events recorded in the bible or oral lessons to be drawn from religious teaching.
Written Literature
Short Story is brief work of literature, usually written in narrative prose.
Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response.
American Period
Philippine literary production during the American period in the Philippines was spurred by two developments in education and culture. The introduction of free public instruction for all children of school age and the use of English as medium of instruction.
Literature under the American Period
Tagalog Novel is a long prose narrative that describes fictional characters and events in the form of sequential story, usually.
Romantic Poetry is the dominant theme of this are: filtering of natural emotion through the human mind in order to create art and coupled with an awareness of the duality created by such a process.
Beginning of Phil. literature in English public education was already institutionalized in the Philippines with English serving as medium of instruction.
Japanese Period
Historical background between 1941-1945, Philippine literature was interrupted in its development when the Philippines was again conquered by another foreign country,
Japan. In fact, almost all newspapers in English were stopped by the Japanese.
Literature under Japanese Colonial Period
a. Poetry is a common theme were nationalism, country, love, and life in barrios, faith, religion and arts).
Three types of poems emerged in this period
Haiku- 17 syllables divided into three lines. (5-7-5)
Tanaga- like the Haiku, is short but it had measure and rhyme. Each line had 17 syllables and it's also allegorical in meaning.
Usual Form-the usual and common form of poetry.
b. Filipino Drama experienced a lull during the Japanese period because movie houses showing American films were closed. Example, Hide and Seek by Clodualdo del Mundo
c. Short Story is the field of short story widened during the Japanese occupation). Example, Lupang Tinubuan ni Narciso Reyes.
d. Philippine Literature in English, because of the strict prohibitions imposed by the Japanese in the writing and publishing of works in English, Philippine literature in English experienced a dark period.
Contemporary Period
The Rebirth of Freedom (1946-1970)
The state of Literature during this Period - early post-liberation period was marked by the kind of "struggle of mind and spirit" posed by the sudden emancipation from the enemy, and the wild desire to see print.
The New Filipino Literature during this Period - Philippine literature in Tagalog was revived during this period. Most themes in writing dealt with Japanese brutalities and so on.
Period of Activism (1970-1972)
The Literary Revolution - the youth became rebellious during this period. they held pens and wrote on placards in red paint, the equivalent pf the word MAKIBAKA.
Period of the New Society (1972-1980)
Filipino Poetry during this Period - themes of most poems dealt with patience, regard for native culture, customs and the beauties of nature and surroundings.
The Play under this Period - the government led in reviving old plays and dramas like in radio and television, filipino films,etc.
Period of the Third Republic (1981-1985)
Filipino Poetry - during this period, Filipino poetry were romantic and revolutionary.
Filipino Songs - dealt with themes that were really true-to-life like those of the grief,
Philippine Films during this Period -the yearly festival of Filipino films continued to be held during this period.
Periods (1986-1999)
On Newspapers and other Publications - newspapers which were once branded crony newspapers became instant opposition papers overnight.
On Books - the Philippine revolution of 1986 and the first of its spirit that will carry the Filipinos through another epoch in Philippine history is still being documented just as they have been in the countless millions who participated in body and spirit in realization.
Filomena Colendrino
Carlos Samoayan Bulosan